Biodiversity and Conservation

Define the ecological sensitive areas.

Don’t use any items that are obtained from threatened species or populations (either on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,, or on the CITES Appendices,

Don’t use resources that are produced or harvested by methods that are unregulated or particularly damaging to biodiversity, some of which, such as dynamite fishing, may also be illegal.

Engage local conservation organizations, universities, botanical gardens and plant nurseries

Engaging with environmental NGOs & initiatives

Ensure that, wherever possible, products come from sustainably harvested and/or sustainably produced sources and, if relevant, are certified and labelled under certification schemes that include biodiversity criteria

Find out how guests have used natural resources over the past year (to get trends about the types of visitors and actions can be taken) and the type of activities they do

Introduce regional dishes based on locally produced foods on your menus

Managing pesticides and fertilizers

Marketing birdwatching services to local & international tourists

Observe marine wildlife (such as coral reefs) without impact, making sure that they view wildlife from a safe distance and do not rest or stand on corals and other fragile marine life