

Develop and make available to workers written safe work procedures for working alone or in isolation

Diapers should be treated as infectious waste

Disinfect chairs and tables, toys, pool safety equipment and other high touch surfaces frequently and after use by patrons or staff

Dispose of non-reusable and non-recyclable wastes using appropriate methods.

Distinguish containers by means of colors, labels, or symbols (pictograms) for each type of waste.

Do not discharge oils into sinks or toilets

Do not place hot food in the refrigerator make sure it is cooled first

Do not put items right in front of the refrigerant coils or fans in a way that would restrict air circulation

Do not replace unopened bottled water in guest rooms unnecessarily

Do regular ventilation while guests are not in their rooms

Don’t use any items that are obtained from threatened species or populations (either on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,, or on the CITES Appendices,

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